Called to order at 6:37 pm
In attendance:
Name: Campus
I Jung Chiang Lillard
Melissa Allen DP Morris
Keith Stendebach Legacy/Frontier
Jason Bair Jones
Jason Daniels MHS/Orr
Kristi Ferguson Smith/Lillard
Danielle Sierra K. Davis
Jeanne Hinerman Donna Shepherd
Julie Hamilton Nancy Neal
Patricia Valenzuela Legacy
Casey Brown Legacy
Leo Goranov Tipps
Lindsay Cadehnead Broen
Jessica Cunningham Coble
Jason Bair
Welcomed the members of the GT PA
- Gave objectives of the group
- Supporting GT families in the district
- Communication with parents regarding opportunity
- Increase the quality and amount of GT services in our schools
- Board introduced themselves to the group
- Members introduced themselves to the group
I-Jung Chiang
Parental Support
Volunteers are appreciated for all committee
Welcome handbook to be created for GT students and provided to all GT students in the district this year and next year to just the new GT students. Information will include contact information and the MISD GT handbook. Help is appreciated to create this. Input from GT PAC members is appreciated.
Kristi Ferguson
3 versions of flyers were provided, one for board members, one for GT-PAC members, and one for all GT parents. These included information regarding our website, Remind apps, Mansfield GT-PAC email and GT google group.
The flyer for all GT Parents in the district can be given to the GT coordinator and to the GT parents in the district.
Keith Stendebach
GT Services
Keith will increase communication with the district and teachers to make sure services are at a constant level throughout the district.
Jessica Cunningham
Parent Representative Coordinator
Responsibilities were discussed regarding the role of the parent GT rep for each school.
Teresa Francis.
GT Campus Rep list was provided
Melanie Beckett is now also AP Literature and Language Lead at the High School Level.
Duke list of qualifying students was sent out last week
Top 95%ile of the STAAR Reading and/or Math - Elementary
Top 95%ile of the STAAR Reading and or Math and/or Science - 6th grade
When they move to 7th grade the can also apply
Summer programs
Book Clubs
Writing contests
Can take the PSAT test
GT Audit Report Summary
A copy of the summary was provided to the group. GT specialists have not seen this yet.
By law, external audits are to be completed every 3 years.
A plan is being created based on the results
The district will decide how it is released to the public. It will be presented to the school board at a TBD date.
As a group we can advocate by attending the MISD school board meeting and by increasing the family and community involvement.
Training for teachers is to differentiate teaching GT student seamlessly, so differentiation may not be recognized by students.
Mentorship for GT students
The GT-PAC can assist with increasing participation of high school students and identifying community members willing to participate in a mentoring program.
Increasing awareness in the schools is important
Training on campuses is improving
GT Pre-AP for Intermediate and Middle Schools
All Intermediate schools in the district have GT Teams
Two of the Middle Schools in the district have GT Teams - Danny Jones and Linda Jobe
Teams share the same teachers, but may not have them at the same time
Growth is the number one thing they are looking for, so having more GT students is not an advantage for teachers
Growth is currently measured via the STAAR tests
GT Field Trip
Must be coordinated and budgeted by November 3 - money allocated
Field trip needs to be completed by December 21
All schools are included in this, but it is not mandatory. Principal has the final say.
$300 per campus is available from Advanced Academics to pay transportation costs
Destination Imagination
This is a series of challenges at all different levels
Hope Hutchison is the contact for the district
Try to get this started at your school by getting a parent representative. Manager training is Sat. Oct 28.
MISD is hosting the state competition this year Apr 6 & 7.
How we can advocate as a PAC Group
Putting information on the website regarding what schools are doing in the district
Brigette Cardenas
- Seamless learning being implemented
- Math and Social Studies will be looked into more in-depth
- Assessment for GT students is changing to an online model.
Melanie Beckett
- She has been able to get in the High Schools and it has been going well
Adjourned at 8:16