Download .pdf here: 9.24.18 GT PAC Meeting Minutes
GT PAC Meeting Minutes
Welcome & Introductions
- Jason introduced himself to the group.
Campus Rep introductions
- All parent reps and Campus Specialists introduced themselves.
- Parent reps and campus specialists met briefly.
Destination Imagination – Hope Hutchison
- Information given on DI.
- Contact your GT specialist if interested in forming a team
- Team coordinator training Oct 20 9:00-12:00 at Waxahachie HS
- Tournament is Feb 23
Review of GT PAC goals & past accomplishments
Board position descriptions – Jason Bair
Selection of Recording Secretary
2018-19 Focus Area: Communication
Increase PAC interaction and understanding with principals
- Meet with the GT specialist and principal to let them know you are there to
serve and help. You can discuss the GT Field Trip etc.
What info to share via Remind?
- Members were given the information to be added to the Remind for the Parent
Reps. @gtpacgroup
- Website ideas:
- DI
- Shout outs for schools, GT Specialists, activities.
- How are students identified as GT in the district.
- GT calendar, teacher awards/profiles, district AP results
- FAQs from previous list of questions last year
Push distributions for PAC member info (meeting notifications & minutes)
Committee 2018-19 Goals
Communication (Kristi Ferguson): Website updates, Campus Rep contact info
- Campus Rep form passed around to be updated
Parental Support (Cheryl Edwardsen)
- Gifted Guru
- Let Cheryl know if you have any ideas on who you would like to come and
Services (Keith Stendebach)
- Ask your Principal and GT specialist what they would like the Parent Rep to do
to help increase communication at your school.
Campus reports
Jobe 8th grade GT projects
- They are doing a passion project that is self directed. The students pick a
mentor in the school and it student led. There are checkpoints throughout the
- Work on the project is done at school during advisory and will not impact their
- Danny Jones and Jobe are piloting this project this year and there will be a
presentation night at the school for the kids and parents. These projects will be
presented at the Spring Symposium.
Campus Rep actions for next meeting
Meet with GT Specialist and Principal
- All campus reps should meet with their principal and specialist before the
October GT PAC meeting.
- List of suggested questions were passed around.
- Will be emailed to all campus reps.
- Consider sending a welcome letter to all the GT parents.
- Consider having a GT parent get together.
Stay Connected flyers
- These are on the website.
- Please make sure all GT parents receive this.
- Your GT specialist can forward emails to all GT parents for you.
Advanced Academics Coordinator – Teresa Francis
7th grade GT Conference
- All 7th grade GT students were invited and were able to hear from a special
speaker - Lisa Van Gemert (Gifted Guru)
- They participated in breakout sessions.
- They participated in a Social Activity (i.e. speed dating with books, special
speakers, how caffeine affects your brain, growth mindset etc.)
- It was a great event that the 7th graders enjoyed.
TAGT annual meeting
- November 29 and 30, 2018 it is in FW this year
- There is a parent section. There is a cost to attend.
Other updates
- The Texas Commission on Public School Finance has a vote on whether to
eliminate state GT funding.
- There is an internal audit of the MISD GT program this year.
- We meet most of the Compliance requirements and some of the
Recommended and Exemplary requirements.
- Date for release of the audit results is not yet known but likely several
months away.
Instructional Coaches’ Report
Melanie Beckett 7-12th grade
- Working with AP teachers in the district.
- Working on goals and helping them with what they need.
- Focus this year is working on Higher Level Thinking Skills and getting the
DUKE letters out.
- 7th grade Duke TIP students who want to take the SAT or ACT can do so on
Nov 3 or Jan 26.
Brigette Cardenas K-6 Coach
- Primary focus is the Independent Study and Higher Level Thinking Skills
- Campus walks are just starting.
- Working on the Identification process
- Speak to your GT specialist
Miscellaneous Topics / New Business / Discussion
- April Burdett volunteered to be our Recording Secretary.
- Sara Kay volunteered to take over the GT PAC website.
Future meetings will be 6:30 pm at RL Anderson: Oct 29, Dec 3, Feb 4, Mar 4, Apr 29
Mansfield GT PAC Attendance 9/24/18
Kendra Hopkins - Summit
Casey Brown - Legacy
Jason Bair - Lakeridge
Karen Morgan - Timberview
Rebecca Dietz - TA Howard
Cheryl Edwardsen - Linda Jobe
Marty Melton - Mary Orr
April Burdett - Mary Orr
Rachel Tapia - Cross Timbers
Julie Hamilton - Donna Shepard & Nancy Neal
Kelly Keel - Icenhower & MJ Sheppard
Sara Kay - Lillard
Kristen Stone - Lillard
Jim Zmolek - Asa Low
Mike Coyne - Asa Low
Kristi Ferguson - STEM Academy
Faye Privette - Alice Ponder
Melissa Allen - DP Morris
Natalie Hernandez - Roberta Tipps
Lindsey Lipscomb - Martha Reid